open post

I’m always honoured – and flattered, truth be told – when a couple approach me to ask me to be their wedding photographer. It’s not a decision people make lightly – I don’t think I’m overstating the importance of a wedding photographer when I say that he or she is probably a couple’s most carefully […]

The Importance of a Wedding Album.

Wedding, Wedding Albums

featured post

I’m always honoured – and flattered, truth be told – when a couple approach me to ask me to be their wedding photographer. It’s not a decision people make lightly – I don’t think I’m overstating the importance of a wedding photographer when I say that he or she is probably a couple’s most carefully […]

The Importance of a Wedding Album.

Wedding, Wedding Albums

Like most wedding photographers, I lose many minutes  – *cough* hours *cough* – each day ogling pretty square after pretty square on Instagram, soaking up inspiration and curating a feed that’s full of #wedspo for brides and grooms who want elegant, timeless and naturally pretty images (psst – if that sounds like your thing, you […]

Going Unplugged – is a social media ban on guests the way to go?

Wedding, Wedding Preparation Tips

Faithlegg House Wedding Photography | Alison & David Alison and David are my kind of couple. So easy in each in each others company and so comfortable to be around. Sweet, thoughtful with two really lovely families. Their summer wedding at Faithlegg House was a gorgeous affair. It was a beautiful ceremony at City Hall, […]

Summer Faithlegg House Wedding – Alison and David



Answer honestly: how do you feel about having your photograph taken? Perhaps you’re a natural poser and the idea of having a camera pointed at you for several hours is simply heaven….or maybe you’re more like me – yes, even photographers get camera shy- and the idea of a photoshoot is enough to bring you […]

5 Reasons To Have An Engagement Session


Wicklow Engagement Session | Ciara and Gary I love that we plan to take Ciara and Gary’s wedding images at home in the beautiful Wicklow countryside and lakes that surround their home. So it seemed very fitting that we take the opportunity to take in this amazing backdrop for their engagement session. I called up […]

Wicklow Engagement Session



Castlemartyr Wedding Photography | Niamh & Neil This wedding was very special. Not only was it at my favourite venue Castlemartyr Resort with beautiful details and vendors but really is was because of Niamh and Neil. Niamh and I connected close to 2 years ago when she saw images from my wedding at Castlemartyr back […]

Castlemartyr Wedding with Niamh and Neil



What can I say about the Cliff at Lyons. It is such a beautiful Irish wedding venue, a real find, if you are looking for that something a little bit different and big on charm. It was the perfect setting for Fabiola and Ciaran’s wedding. When I first met Fabiola she told me she had […]

Cliff at Lyons Wedding – Fabiola and Ciaran


Kilkenny Wedding Photography | Catherine & Conor I spend a lot of time in Kilkenny over the summer months for weddings but it has been a while since I have photographed at Hotel Kilkenny. It was lovely to be back there again and with this beautiful summer of sunshine the garden drinks reception there was […]

Stylish Hotel Kilkenny Wedding – Catherine and Conor



Planning a wedding is full of incredible highs. Menu-tasting is pretty wonderful, as is the first time you try on ‘The One’ – but don’t be deceived. There are also some – well, not lows exactly, but perhaps we could call them less thrilling moments involved in creating the day of your dreams. I’m going […]

Your Wedding Day Schedule

Wedding, Wedding Preparation Tips

Some of my favourite photographs from the weddings I cover are those taken first thing in the morning as the bride gathers with her nearest and dearest to prepare for the day ahead. There’s just something about that buzz, that excitement – and then the stillness and calm that takes over as the bride prepares […]

My Top Tips for Your Wedding Day Morning Preparations

Wedding, Wedding Preparation Tips