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As I say goodbye to 2015 and look to 2016 a moments reflection highlights how blessed I have been for last year. I got to photograph so many amazing couples. Each and every day was a pleasure to be part of and it brings such joy looking back over these images. An end of year […]

Eden Photography 2015 – A Year in Review


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As I say goodbye to 2015 and look to 2016 a moments reflection highlights how blessed I have been for last year. I got to photograph so many amazing couples. Each and every day was a pleasure to be part of and it brings such joy looking back over these images. An end of year […]

Eden Photography 2015 – A Year in Review


On 06 March my little niece arrived into the world and I have never been so proud of her and my sister. In case any of you think that is me in the images below, I am actually a twin and that’s my sister and her gorgeous little bundle of joy. I couldn’t wait to […]

The Arrival of my Adorable Little Niece
