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Why Systems for Your Business are Important When I first started my photography business, in the first few months photography jobs were quiet. Nobody had heard of me yet and I was biding my time by getting more experience and also by setting up the actual business side of things. The bets advice I was […]

Putting Your Photography Systems in Place

For Photographers

putting a photography system in place

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Why Systems for Your Business are Important When I first started my photography business, in the first few months photography jobs were quiet. Nobody had heard of me yet and I was biding my time by getting more experience and also by setting up the actual business side of things. The bets advice I was […]

Putting Your Photography Systems in Place

For Photographers

putting a photography system in place

You dont need me to tell you that wedding days can be busy affairs with lost happening at once. A lot of this is beyond your control as a photographer. People and ceremonies can run late, the weather can be changeable (it is Ireland after all) and with a group of often 150 people in […]

What Does My Wedding Photography Workflow Look Like?

For Photographers

wedding photography workflow

If you’re in the early stages of starting out in the wedding photography business world – or any self-employment or start-up venture, for that matter – huge congratulations. It’s overwhelming at times, yes, and certainly exhausting, but it’s so, so worth it. I promise! I bet no one told you that there’s so much admin […]

The Importance of Building a Brand as well as a Wedding Business

For Photographers

Recently Ted and I spent a few days away from work. It couldn’t have come at a better or worse time! Having suffered family bereavement we really did need to get away, spend some time together and not just be passing by each other as busy days inevitably dictate. On the other hand we both […]

Taking a Break From Work Can be as Vital as The Long Workdays

For Photographers

Most of my mentoring sessions recently have been focused on people starting out in their photography business. It’s such an exciting time. I can remember when I first started. How excited I was, getting my equipment, starting to plan what I wanted to do, but there were also lots of hurdles that I wish I […]

The Importance of Second Shooting

For Photographers

    Back in 2011 I made a decision that would change my life forever. I left behind my academic career, the only way of life I had ever known and made the leap into wedding photography. I wouldn’t say it was a leap of faith, with closed eyes, I knew what I was doing, what I wanted but I […]

Three Tips for Starting Your Photography Business

For Photographers, General