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On 06 March my little niece arrived into the world and I have never been so proud of her and my sister. In case any of you think that is me in the images below, I am actually a twin and that’s my sister and her gorgeous little bundle of joy. I couldn’t wait to […]

The Arrival of my Adorable Little Niece


featured post

On 06 March my little niece arrived into the world and I have never been so proud of her and my sister. In case any of you think that is me in the images below, I am actually a twin and that’s my sister and her gorgeous little bundle of joy. I couldn’t wait to […]

The Arrival of my Adorable Little Niece


  For the cutting the cake pictures I advise that if your cake is on a table pushed again a wall or window then ask you event coordinator can the table be moved a little, allowing you to stand behind or a little to the side of the cake. This means you can face your […]

On Your Wedding Day – Cutting the Cake

Wedding Preparation Tips

One thing that couples can forget when planning a wedding is the amount of time and imagination that goes into styling your special day. It is one area of the planning that is worth getting a little help with and hiring a professional event stylist who can bring all your creative ideas together is definitely […]

On Your Wedding Day – Styling


Thinking ahead of quirky ideas to accessorize your wedding photography can be lots of fun. The bride and groom below were not put-off one bit by the dull weather and it actually gave them an opportunity to incorporate these funky umbrellas into their photography! Tanya Colclough at Eden Photography, your wedding photographer for Dublin, all of […]

On Your Wedding Day – Accessorize your Images with Props


I cam across this really cool app and just had to share with you all – even though it makes photographers of all of your guests! You still need a professional photographer too, I promise! The Wedding Party App is such a great idea. All you have to do is download the app, tell all […]

On Your Wedding Day – You have Got to Try the Wedding Party App!

Wedding Preparation Tips

If you are like me and struggle with what to get as a wedding gift an Eden Photograghy gift voucher is a great gift idea. Toasters and kettles as a wedding gift, don’t really say I loved being at your wedding, do they?! So here’s an original idea for a wedding gift that will make you […]

Now Thats Perfect!…A New Wedding Gift Idea from Eden Photography

Wedding Preparation Tips

One of the freshest and prettiest images for your wedding album is the one your photographer takes of your bridal bouquet. It adds the most gorgeous splash of colour to your wedding collection! Be sure and ask your photographer to take pictures of your bouquet as soon as it arrives at the house as you […]

On Your Wedding Day – Photographing Your Bridal Bouquet

Wedding Preparation Tips

We have all been there – bought a new foundation without checking it properly against your skin in natural light and ended up looking either washed out or like you haven’t washed your face for a week! These are two looks you definitely don’t want on your wedding day! I am often asked what foundation […]

On Your Wedding Day – Your Wedding Makeup in Photographs

Wedding Preparation Tips

It has to be one of my favourite shots from a wedding day –  capturing the dress in a pretty location – well I am a girl!! I love on the morning of a wedding when my bride shows me her wedding dress, its a lovely moment for me as I feel such a part […]

On Your Wedding Day – Hanging your Dress for Photographs

Wedding Preparation Tips

I always think that it is a really beautiful moment when a bride arrives to the church. As a bride steps out from her car you really get a sense of the anticipation of what is about to happen. It’s a moment full of excitement, wonder and even a little nerves – the moment your […]

On Your Wedding Day – Getting out of the Car

Wedding Preparation Tips