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As a wedding photographer I love being creative and taking my photography that little bit further. One great way to do this is on a style shoot. Not only do I get to work with great Irish wedding vendors in some beautiful wedding venues but I also get to imaginatively style a wedding as I […]

Wedding Inspiration with Tanya at Eden Photography at the Lyrath Estate Kilkenny


featured post

As a wedding photographer I love being creative and taking my photography that little bit further. One great way to do this is on a style shoot. Not only do I get to work with great Irish wedding vendors in some beautiful wedding venues but I also get to imaginatively style a wedding as I […]

Wedding Inspiration with Tanya at Eden Photography at the Lyrath Estate Kilkenny


I had the pleasure recently of working with Ania Juraszek of Kimono lamps on a photo shoot for her new range of lamp shades. I really enjoyed capturing the beauty of these lamp shades, which are truly couture craft for the home! Born from a visit to Japan, Ania in the search for something really […]

Product Shoot with the Beautiful Creations of Kimono Lamps


My post on Wednesday got me thinking more about what I had written on the role of the female wedding photographer in Ireland. Then I remembered a conversation I had last year with a male wedding photographer that I met at a seminar in Dublin. We were introduced and began talking shop as you do. […]

The Female Wedding Photographer and why She Rocks! Part Two


With the most hotly anticipated fictional wedding in tv land upon us, lets take a look at Serena and the other bridesmaids style on the big day. Whatever Serena and Blair wear on the show is always hugely anticipated and then copied across the globe. So what did the bridesmaids wear and what can we […]

Gossip Girl Bridesmaid Dress Inspiration
